A letter to Joe Gaffey DOR/CSE North Region Woburn Mass, and everyone else from Boston to Goose Creek SC.
November 28, 2011
Joseph F. Gaffey Jr.
D.O.R. /C.S.E. North region
100 Trade center suite 760
Woburn, Ma.01801-0000
Mr. Gaffey,
I am sending this paperwork to you, in hopes to enlighten you and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
Concerning the welfare of my son, John Bankins. Since my son was so rudely taken from me, 2 years following his birth, I have had a life filled with turmoil, wishing one day to be reunited with my son.
This, sir, is not how I envisioned it. The turmoil I speak of is nothing in comparison to what my son has endured, at the hands of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and all the other entities involved in this boy’s life.
Just to bring everyone up to date, when I walked into the Fenton Building, with an attorney, in 2003,
Before leaving, I asked the judge, “If Massachusetts claims no jurisdiction on this case, why am I here?”
He replied, “Good question.” He also directed attorney Heinz, from DOR to find the answer for that.
He never did.
In 1998, Judge Stevens, directed Ms. Veronica Bankins, not to leave North Carolina, without informing me of her whereabouts, to fill in a financial every year, or face contempt, establishing that my son’s home state was Massachusetts. 2 years after that, judge Monzi, declared, that “Massachusetts has no jurisdiction concerning the custody of my son; completely disregarding what was said previously, by the presiding judge Stevens. DOR has never helped me locate my son, nor has Essex County.
Since 2003, Massachusetts has cast doubt on the reliability of the judicial system of this country.
My son was kidnapped from me, and the states (all) involvement in all of this makes them co-conspirators’.
South Carolina does NOT claim home state with my son, because he lived in Massachusetts the first 2 years of his life here, and then North Carolina, for 6, Tennessee for 1-2 years, then South Carolina.
Massachusetts, more primarily, the Family courts of Essex county, have let my son down, have let me down, have done nothing but “pass the buck,” so to speak.
I am writing this to you today, with the hope that Massachusetts, will see the error of their ways, and to please “step aside,” I have done all I could as far as paying my obligations when I was required to. When Massachusetts Legislation, or Federal standards, allowed me to. You see if a Harley Davidson Mechanic does not have a license to drive, that Harley Davidson mechanic, has no work. That same mechanic, in the winter, drove school bus, worked on the “big dig” project driving, hauling asphalt, or any other numerous jobs I have had, where all involving my ability to drive. Massachusetts, following the laws passed by the Federal government, and Massachusetts laws, suspends a person’s driving license, or other professional licenses, in order to collect money “allegedly” owed to them.
My question is very simple sir. How does one obtain any income, without the ability to go to and from work? (Never mind constitutional rights to move freely)Let alone, RELY on said license FOR money?
I have asked that question for over 10 years, and almost 10 different jobs. It has fallen on deaf ears.
This paperwork I have enclosed to you is being forwarded to the Governor’s office, my Senators in Massachusetts, as well as the Senators of South Carolina, and all of the local newspapers, radio stations, and television stations, from Boston Massachusetts, to Goose Creek, South Carolina.
It seems to me, that the only way to get an answer to my question is to ask as many years as I possibly can, for like I stated earlier, Massachusetts, does not care to hear any of it.
Thank you for your time.
Christopher Robert Leonard
Essex County Massachusetts
United States of America