GOD,and Arthur Davidson
God And Harley
Arthur Davidson, inventor of the Harley Davidson motorcycle
corporation, died and went to heaven. At the gates, St. Peter
told Arthur, "since you've been such a good man and your
motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can
hang out with anyone you want in heaven."
Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, "I want to
hang out with God."
So Arthur asked God " Hey, aren't you the inventor of woman?"
God said, "ah, yes."
"Well," said Arthur, "professional to professional, you have some
major design flaws in your invention:
From Desert Plains,I bring you love.
allover this country, all over the world, children are taken from their fathers. I was looking for a video, from one of my favorite bands, Judas Priest. I found this video, and I cant help but want to share this with you. I know, some of you don't like Heavy Metal, Thats fine, the concept is there, this father had his son "legally" kidnapped from him 3 years ago. the words to the song are moving enough, but, this father took his efforts a little further. The smiles, laughs, hugs, and love these two have, it kills me someone would do that to them both.
Life in Prison for Being a Cad? Only in Massachusetts.
LIfe in prison for having sex under false pretenses (however that is defined) should result in a life sentence according to one Massachusetts lawmaker. Rep. Koutoujian of Waltham, Massachusetts has filed a bill (H3154) which will be heard by the Joint Judiciary Comittee hearing on September 27.
The bill ( reads as follws:
"SECTION 1. Chapter 265 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 22A the following section:-
SJC Orders Mass. Attorney General to Allow 'Repeal 209A' (so-called 'Domestic Violence' law) Initiative Petition
The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts on Friday, September 16, 2011, ordered the AG's office to allow the petition to repeal MGL 209A (so-called 'Abuse Prevention') to go forward. Petitioners, supported by The Fatherhood Coalition, expect the Massachusetts Secretary of State to quickly provide the petition sheets.
The deadline for collecting the required 68,900 signatures is November 23. All those who oppose this draconian law are encouraged to contact petitioners through CPF ( to help in the effort.
Initiative Petition to Repeal MGL 209A ('Domestic Abuse' law) Submitted to Massachusetts Attorney General
The first step to present Massachusetts voters with an opportunity to repeal the state's domestic abuse law was taken on Thursday, July 28, 2011 when an Initiative Petition to Repeal MGL 209A was submitted for review to the state's Attorney General. Once the Petition is certified in early September the proponents, who include many Fatherhood Coalition members, will begin the task of collecting some 68,000 certified signatures from registered voters.
Tom Ball Kills Himself in Front of Keene, NH Courthouse
It was with sadness that we learned Tom Ball, in an act of protest, sacrificed his life by dousing himself with gasoline and lighting himself on fire at the Keene New Hampshire County Court House steps on Wednesday. June 15, 2011. Eye witness accounts of Tom's last moments say he was calm and committed to his act.
First Principles
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CPF Declaration of First Principles |
1. Fatherlessness is the number one social crisis facing our nation.