CPF membership and board of directors election meeting -
There will be a CPF general membership meeting to elect a Board of Directors on Saturday, May 11 from 1-4 pm at St. Mark's Church Hall, 1725 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02124. http://www.yelp.com/map/st-marks-parish-boston
Members who have paid their annual dues ($30.) are eligible to vote. Checks can sent to CPF-The Fatherhood Coalition, PO Box 310, Turners Falls, MA 01376, or payment made by Paypal. (Email support@fatherhoodcoalition.org for Paypal email link).
The meeting is in the church basement hall, entrance on left side of building. Parking is available behind the church on 20 Roseland Street, Dorchester, MA 02124.
Joe Ureneck, Chair
Wayne Jewett, Co-chair
The Fatherhood Coalition
857 350-0575