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Ever wonder how that
Massachusetts judge
who took your children
away and stripped you
of your house and assets
got to sit on the bench?
All judges were approved,
usually by unanimous,
vote, by the Governors
Council at a public hearing.
The audio for their
hearings over the last
couple of years can be heard here:

Courtesy of Patrick McCabe


A must-read:
'The Fraud of Feminism'

A younger Tolkien

J.R.R.Tolkien, author
of 'Lord of the Rings',
on Marriage


Nov. 6 Election - Mike Franco for Governor's Council


Mike Franco, Candidate for Governor's Council, District 8.
Governor's Council Race in Western Mass. District 8 Offers Stark Choice Between Political Hack and Councilor for Change Mike Franco
We've seen how poorly the Governor's Council has done its job in approving judges recently with the non stop scandals, an illegal immigrant walking free to murder two doctors in South Boston and other criminals walking out only to see them kill police officers.
The court system is dysfunctional, set up more to dole out financial rewards to the inside players of judges, lawyers, professional consultants and the like than to dispense justice fairly, the classic definition of an insider trading operation. Mike Franco, however, is no lawyer. His goal as a Governor's Councilor first and foremost is to ensure that justice prevails for the average person, not those politically connected. He will not approve any person nominated to be a judge who does not meet this standard.  
Mike is battling an entrenched political machine in Western Massachusetts, particularly the Springfield/Holyoke area, a revolving chair of favored politicians whose goal is to keep the gravy flowing for themselves and their friends. His opponent, the current Councilor, Mary Hurley, is part of this problem. 
Mike invites your support to help get the word out. Message him through Facebook or contact him though his Meetup site to see how you can help make the Massachusetts Courts work for everyone, not just the favored few.



'GoodFather' T-Shirts
All funds raised after
cost will be allocated to
help us fund the 'Fathers'
Day' banner at the
Massachusetts State


"I Love Being a Dad"
     Bumper sticker


CPF Board
Mike Franco
Patricia Friedman
Doug George
Brian Hutchins
Wayne Jewett
Juan Maldonado
Patrick McCabe, Co-Chair
Jim Marques
Rich Mitchell
Joe Ureneck, Chair