mccabepatrick's blog
Looking for Lawyers
The Fatherhood Coalition is looking for Lawyers!
The Fatherhood Coalition receives requests for lawyers on a daily basis.
For All the Unmarried Fathers
To Never Married Fathers:
One of the most asked question is what rights do never married fathers have with regards to their children.
The answer is simple:
Amber Alerts: A tool to help stop abuse or a source of abuse
Massachusetts State Police issued another Amber Alert in December of 2013, the last Amber Alert by Massachusetts State Police appears to be in May.
Opponents of Shared Parenting Offer Disingenuous Argument
The opponents of shared parenting offered a very twisted view of the issue in their letter to the editor (Forcing Shared Parenting would protract conflict, May 25, 2014 Boston Globe). In the
Fatherhood Coalition Withdraws from the Governor's Working Group on Child Centered Family Law
His Excellency, Governor Deval Patrick
Update 209a Hearings
On September 27, 2013 I attended a restraining order session at Quincy Court.
This session made it clear that our judiciary still has a problem with respect to the issuance and renewal of 209a restraining orders.
The session was methodically run.
First up were single party petitions for extensions or termination of a restraining order. In most cases the restraining order was continued or terminated based upon which individual appeared the defendant or the plaintiff.
Next up were the cases where both parties appeared.
In these cases one might expect to hear contradicting stories.
However that was seldom the case. What was common was a plaintiff seeking a restraining order without a legal basis for obtaining one.