JoeU's blog
Vote 'Yes' on Question 2 - Amendment to New Hampshire Constitution
This is a great first step to rein in the out of control judiciary. Vote 'Yes' on 2!
Vote to Amend New Hampshire Constitution! Wow!
NH referendum to allow legislature to have voice in court rules. Kudos to Reps. Avard and Itse. Vote 'Yes' on 2! "The amendment makes the courts accountable to the people."
'Speak Up' with NH Rep. Kevin Avard on Family Court Problems
Rep. Avard is doing good work with this referendum question CACR26 in November to allow the NH legislature to have the last word on court rules. If you live in NH please be sure to vote in favor!
Scream Queens Fuel Nightmarish VAWA System
"We must de-fund and de-fang VAWA. We must let police do their jobs without fear of making politically-incorrect decisions. In the old days they used their discretion on how to handle domestic conflict. The parties were often separated until things cooled down. Without evidence of serious assault or injury, that was the proper response. "
Absolutely correct!
VAWA Fate Still in Play
The fate of VAWA is up in the air.
The Senate passed its own version and the House a different one.
The House version (4970) has something of an upper hand because VAWA is a money/funding bill which has to by law originate in the House , not the Senate. The law is is now expected to go to a Conference Committee which can in this case make, or not, further changes. (Information on conference committee here:, the last paragraph is the most relevant.)
Sen. Rand Paul Votes Against VAWA Renewal
We applaud Sen. Rand Paul for being one 31 senators to vote against renewing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Sen. Scott Brown's Deceptive Letter on VAWA *AND* Tell Mass. Congressional Reps. to Vote 'No' On House VAWA
-Sen. Scott Brown's Deceptive Letter on VAWA- -Tell Mass. Congressional Reps. to Vote 'No' On House VAWA- 1. Sen. Brown Continues His VAWA Deception 2. House of Representatives May Vote on VAWA as Early as Next Week 1. Sen. Brown Continues His VAWA Deception Following his disgraceful vote in favor of the VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) renewal bill Sen. Brown sent out a form letter to all those who had asked him to reject the bill. Adding insult to injury, in the 2-3 months period before the vote, Sen. Brown never took the time despite requests to meet with those opposed to VAWA.
Sen. Scott Brown and VP Joe Biden-Two Peas in the Rotten VAWA Pod
Sen. Scott Brown and VP Joe Biden-Joined at the Hip Promoting VAWA's Injustice Contact Sen. Brown (202) 224-4543 (DC office) and (617) 565-3170 (Boston) to tell him to withdraw his support. Sen. Scott Brown spent a lot of his time recently promoting the sexist, anti-male and anti-family Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). It was VP Joe Biden's turn at a White House press conference (April 18, 2012) to push for renewal of this destructive law.
Sen. Scott Brown’s VAWA Radio Ad: Empty, Deceitful Words
Given the destruction to families caused by VAWA (the Violence Against Women Act) Senator Brown’s radio ad promoting the law is a disgrace and further reason voters should not support him in the upcoming election unless he changes his position on its re-authorization. The slogan for Brown's recent VAWA radio ad is ‘He’s for us.” Really? Promoting the sexist VAWA propaganda that all men are inherently batterers and all women victims is hardly being there for families. To the contrary he’s helping throw men and fathers out of their home, remove children from fit and loving parents and subject individuals to incarceration and financial ruin-all by and large without any justification.