The Fatherhood Coalition
The newsletter of The Fatherhood Coalition-working to stop the war on fatherhood since 1995.
Martin S. Feibert Debunks 'Domestic Violence' Propaganda
Feibert is the social studies author/compiler of many studies that debunk anti-male 'domestic violence' propaganda.
Opponents of Shared Parenting Offer Disingenuous Argument
The opponents of shared parenting offered a very twisted view of the issue in their letter to the editor (Forcing Shared Parenting would protract conflict, May 25, 2014 Boston Globe). In the
Testimony in Opposition to Nomination of Ralph Gants as new Chief Justice of Massachusetts Supreme Court
Our testimony in opposition to the nomination of Ralph Gants to be the new Chief Justice of the Mass.
Fit father Alienated from his children - Criminals have more rights
"Every time you talked to the court or the mediator you lost something else?"
Sums it up accurately.