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Ever wonder how that
Massachusetts judge
who took your children
away and stripped you
of your house and assets
got to sit on the bench?
All judges were approved,
usually by unanimous,
vote, by the Governors
Council at a public hearing.
The audio for their
hearings over the last
couple of years can be heard here:

Courtesy of Patrick McCabe


A must-read:
'The Fraud of Feminism'

A younger Tolkien

J.R.R.Tolkien, author
of 'Lord of the Rings',
on Marriage


The Fatherhood Coalition

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The newsletter of The Fatherhood Coalition-working to stop the war on fatherhood since 1995.

Why Governor Patrick's Working Group didn't work.

The Governor's Working Group on Child Center Laws did not work for a number of reasons.

Fatherhood Coaltion Withdraws from the Governor's Working Group on Child Centered Family Law

His Excellency, Governor Deval Patrick

Massachusetts State House
Office of the Governor
Room 280
Boston, MA 02133                                               October 8, 2013

Your Excellency,

The Fatherhood Coalition is withdrawing as a participant in the Governor’s Working Group on Child Centered Family Law.

We write to express our dissatisfaction with the Working Group.

Fatherhood Coalition Withdraws from the Governor's Working Group on Child Centered Family Law

His Excellency, Governor Deval Patrick



Update 209a Hearings

On September 27, 2013 I attended a restraining order session at Quincy Court.

This session made it clear that our judiciary still has a problem with respect to the issuance and renewal of 209a restraining orders.

The session was methodically run.

First up were single party petitions for extensions or termination of a restraining order.  In most cases the restraining order was continued or terminated based upon which individual appeared the defendant or the plaintiff.

Next up were the cases where both parties appeared.

In these cases one might expect to hear contradicting stories.

However that was seldom the case.  What was common was a plaintiff seeking a restraining order without a legal basis for obtaining one.

Download Petitions for Shared Parenting and Abuse Prevention Due Process!

These petitions can be printed and used to collect signatures to put these two proposed laws on the ballot in Massachusetts.


Shared Parenting Signature Sheet

Abuse Prevention Due Process Signature Sheet


Sign up to volunteer here!

The sheets must be double-sided on one sheet of paper in the original size - with side one and side two head to head and footer to footer.

In order for your signature collection effort to count you must be aware of the rules-

Shared Parenting and Abuse Prevention Due Process Petitions!

Following an injunction issued by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court the Secretary of State's office will prepare two Initiative Petitions for shared parenting and due process rights in abuse protection cases. Signature gathering is excpected to begin by the end of the week (Sept. 20, 2013).

The shared paremnting petition would mandate a presumption of shared equitable custody when parents divorce while the abuse prevention petition would require that all due process rights of civil law be applied in abuse prevention cases.

Massachusetts Attorney General Rejects 'Abuse Protection' and Shared Parenting Petitions

Massachusetts Attorney General again refuses to certify petitions on 'abuse protection' due process rights and for a presumption of shared parenting.

The AG's excuse is that the two petitions will 'affect the powers of the courts'.  The real reason, however, is that they would require that justice be  administered in the courts and the welfare system for family court lawyers in particular would be drastically reduced.



The AG's decision can however be appealed.  Contact us if you would like to support an appeal.

Greater Boston Legal Services Opposes Shared Parenting and Due Process Rights

Despite their logo 'Justice for All'....

Massachusetts Initiative Petitions for Shared Parenting and 'Abuse Prevention' Due Process Rghts Filed

Two initiative petitions were filed with the Massachusetts Attorney General to ensure the right to shared parenting and to due process in so-called 'abuse prevention' court cases.

The petitions (#s 13-18 and 13-19) and can be found here:

The AG will decide by Sept. 4 if the petition(s) will be allowed. If so the petition sheets to collect signatures will be available around September 18.


'GoodFather' T-Shirts
All funds raised after
cost will be allocated to
help us fund the 'Fathers'
Day' banner at the
Massachusetts State


"I Love Being a Dad"
     Bumper sticker


CPF Board
Mike Franco
Patricia Friedman
Doug George
Brian Hutchins
Wayne Jewett
Juan Maldonado
Patrick McCabe, Co-Chair
Jim Marques
Rich Mitchell
Joe Ureneck, Chair