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Ever wonder how that
Massachusetts judge
who took your children
away and stripped you
of your house and assets
got to sit on the bench?
All judges were approved,
usually by unanimous,
vote, by the Governors
Council at a public hearing.
The audio for their
hearings over the last
couple of years can be heard here:

Courtesy of Patrick McCabe


A must-read:
'The Fraud of Feminism'

A younger Tolkien

J.R.R.Tolkien, author
of 'Lord of the Rings',
on Marriage


The Fatherhood Coalition

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The newsletter of The Fatherhood Coalition-working to stop the war on fatherhood since 1995.

PRESS RELEASE: Judge Ordonez Appointment Rejected by Fatherhood Coalition


Joe Ureneck, Chair, 857 350-0575
Patrick McCabe, Co-Chair, 617 512 9460
Peter Hill, Spokesperson, 781 772-2500



The Fatherhood Coalition, an all volunteer not-for-profit organization of men and women, advocates for the fair and impartial administration of justice by our courts. We advocate particularly for the constitutional and statutory rights and liberties of parents and look forward to the day when our courts and those individuals honored with serving therein will do the same.

CPF membership and board of directors election meeting -

There will be a CPF general membership meeting to elect a Board of Directors on Saturday, May 11 from 1-4 pm at St. Mark's Church Hall, 1725 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02124.  http://www.yelp.com/map/st-marks-parish-boston

CPF Board and Member meeting

There will be a meeting of the CPF board and members on Saturday, 2PM, March 23 at 46 Beacon St., Hyde Park, 02136. Contact support@fatherhoodcoalition.org or 857 350-0575 for more information.

27,643 People Said 'No' To Both Warren and Brown

This many voters (HDC Carson City, CA) blanked the ballot on Mass. U.S. Senate candidates Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown in the recent election. An unknown, potentially large number of them, like myself, did so because both candidates supported the sexist, anti-father VAWA law. The candidates need to oppose VAWA and simlar laws to have a chance at getting our votes in the future.

Statement by DOJ Shows VAWA and Restraining Orders Are Rigged Against Men

The following makes it crystal clear that the US Department of Justice policy does indeed have a war on men and fathers. Starting from the ideological premise that men are inherent batterers and woman victims the DOJ concludes that any incidence of reporting that runs contrary to this policy  should be "presented with sufficient evidence to confirm the correct designation of victims and their abusers." In other words, the outcome should conform with the preconcieved idea that men are guilty and women innocent. Thanks for Tami Pepperman to bringing this to our attention.

Mass. Trial Court Attempts to Keep Public Hearings on Child Support Secret

Several individuals recently contacted the Massachusetts Trial Court to obtain records (written or audio) of the public child support (CS) hearings held by the committee charged with coming up with new CS guidelines for the state. Their requests were denied however. The trial court staff has stonewalled release of the records saying they would need to review if committee members would face any liability should the records be made public.


On its face, such reasoning excuse is ludicrous. There appears instead to be no reason whatsoever for keeping records of a public hearing secret.


'GoodFather' T-Shirts
All funds raised after
cost will be allocated to
help us fund the 'Fathers'
Day' banner at the
Massachusetts State


"I Love Being a Dad"
     Bumper sticker


CPF Board
Mike Franco
Patricia Friedman
Doug George
Brian Hutchins
Wayne Jewett
Juan Maldonado
Patrick McCabe, Co-Chair
Jim Marques
Rich Mitchell
Joe Ureneck, Chair