Jane Doe: Stop Demonizing Men and Boys!
Each year Jane Doe Inc. around March 1 promotes the 'White Ribbon Campaign' at which men, and only men, are encouraged to criticize themselves for so-called 'violence against women by men'.
This hateful and disingenuous event is based on the false premise that only men are violent when logic and common experience make it clear that both men and women are capable of and engage in violent acts. The 'White Ribbon Campaign' however promotes stereotypes and discrimination against men.
New Hampshire Legislative Committee Leaves Domestic Violence Law Unchanged
Despite the need for changes to the New Hampshire domestic violence law the Republican dominated Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee tabled a bill (HB 1581) that would have required a warrant before an arrest could be made under the law. The committee voted 14-0 against the bill.
The bill's sponsor, Rep. Dan Itse, spoke at the hearing and offered two amendments in the hope that the committee would consider the bill favorably. Neither were taken up.
URGENT! New Hampshire Public Hearing on so-called 'Domestic Violence' Law, Thursday, Feb. 9
The NH Legislature Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee has decided to hold a second public hearing on Bill 1581. As explained below this bill is a good step in the right direction to change the so-called 'domestic violence' laws. The NH reps. who sponsored the bill need public support at the hearing on Thursday, Feb. 9 at 9:45 AM. Please spread the word to NH people and try to attend.
Public hearing on HB Bill 1581
Thursday, 9:45
Senate Committee Passes VAWA Only on Party Vote (10-8). Contact NH Legislators ASAP to Reform DV Law
Senate Committee Passes VAWA Only on Party Vote (10-8)
Contact NH Legislators ASAP to Reform DV Law
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed VAWA on a party line vote, 10 Democrats in favor and 8 Republicans voting against. This was a good sign that VAWA is in trouble down the road when it comes up for votes in the Senate and House and good reason to continue to press Senators in your state to vote 'No' on VAWA.
Now is the Time! Contact Senators to Repeal VAWA and NH Legislators to Reform DV Law
Now is the Time! Contact Senators to Repeal VAWA and NH Legislators to Reform DV Law
There is a window of opportunity for change in the so-called 'domestic violence' laws both nationally and in New Hampshire as we continue our efforts to repeal the Massachusetts 209A DV law and get the courts out of family life. Your can support our work here.
Why repeal MGL 209A - the Massachusetts law proponents say is needed to 'stop domestic violence' ?
The Campaign to Repeal MGL 209A
MGL 209A (the so-called ‘Abuse Prevention’ law) was signed into law by Governor Dukakis in 1978. Since then it has been an accepted feature of our state laws despite its failure to achieve its stated goals and the many serious negative effects it has on families and individuals.
Some reasons why MGL 209A should be repealed include:
1. The law does not protect anyone but instead creates violence. No independent studies have ever proven the law does what is supporters claim.
PDF file of Petition to Repeal 209A (so-called 'Abuse Prevention')
This is the .pdf file of the petition to repeal MGL 209A. This can be printed out and used to collect signatures so long as there are no changes to the size and is printed back-to-back (head-to-head, bottom-to-bottom) and black on white paper.
Repeal MGL 209A (so-called ‘Abuse Prevention’ law) Campaign Kicks Off Tues., September 27!
Our effort to repeal the draconian 209A law is on track after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ordered the Mass. Attorney General’s office to allow the initiative petition to proceed.
Under the so-called ‘domestic violence’ law many individuals are separated from their children, thrown out of their homes, forced into the court system and even incarcerated for non-violent acts and for charges without any merit. Due process rights are ignored under a law which presumes a person is guilty before any crime is committed.